
Currency Converter

Hey friends, today in this blog, you’ll learn how to Build A Currency Converter App in HTML CSS & jаvascript.

In this app , you can enter your amount and convert your currency to a different country’s currency. You can’t leave the amount field blank or enter 0 as an amount. If you do it, then “1” will be filled automatically in the amount field.

You can also easily exchange or reverse the two countries’ currency by clicking on the exchange icon. If you didn’t understand, then you can watch a demo or video tutorial of this project.

In the jаvascript file (country-list.js), I stored all possible country code and their currency code as an object. Then in the script.js file, first, I created an options tag and added those currency codes inside each option tag using for-in loop and inserted these tags inside the select tag.

After this, I created a function and got the user-entered amount. Then I sent a get request to an exchange rate API by passing the user selected “from” currency code. API returned an object of the all-country currency conversion rate of the user-selected “from” currency.

First, I got the user selected “to” currency conversion rate, and then I calculate it with the user-entered amount and show it in the exchange rate text. Once it’s done, for swapping the currency codes, I just reversed the “from” currency to “to” currency and then call the function. For flags, I used API to show the user-selected country flag.

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